01928 788230



Aspire Discover Flourish

A school family rooted in God's love.

Our News items

Class 1's new mud kitchen

Date: 8th Jun 2016 @ 12:35pm

Class 1's trip to The Blue Planet

Date: 17th May 2016 @ 12:09pm

Class 1's Fruit Salad

Date: 16th Mar 2016 @ 12:39pm

Class 1 have been talking about healthy eating and sharing the stories of Oliver's Vegetables and Oliver's Fruit Salad. We found out where some fruit comes from and made and tasted our own fruit salads.

Have a look at the fun we had on the photographs.

Class 1 Spring Dance

Date: 9th Mar 2016 @ 12:25pm

Class 1 worked as a team to make up a Spring Dance.

Spring in Class 1

Date: 9th Mar 2016 @ 8:32am

Spring has arrived in Class 1. We have been learning lots of facts about Spring. Our shop has been great fun so far.

A Place of Safety by Gripping Yarns

Date: 1st Feb 2016 @ 3:28pm

On Monday 1st February Classes 2, 3 and 4 received a visit from Gripping Yarns, an association of storytelling performers who are all actors with an expertise in theatre for young people. They delivered a story called 'Place of Safety' to support our work on internet safety and link to Safer Internet Day on 9th February.

The internet, mobile communications and e-mail offer young people unprecedented and exciting  opportunities to explore and interact from the safety of their own school, home or bedroom. 'A Place of Safety' is concerned with how children interact in  the electronic communication environment, and with how they  can do so with greater security.


Place of Safety tells the story of Jordan, who is struggling to build new friendships after moving school following a necessary family separation.  For Jordan, the internet, e-mail, chat and messaging offer an ideal way to keep in touch with old friends, and make new friends with interests similar to his own.  He is befriended by an apparently more experienced chat room user, with whom he develops a friendship, and with whom he shares personal information and photographs.  His trust in his new friend diminishes as he is pressured to allow greater degrees of contact and more personal information.  Having already taken risks with his online friendship, he is too scared to tell anyone what has happened in case he gets into trouble and he is considering agreeing to his new friend’s requests when a real-life friend from school uses online media to contact him, and encourage him get help from their teacher. 


Place of Safety was written for Cheshire Education Safeguarding in Education to promote safe use of the Internet and electronic communications media, encouraging children adopt an attitude of healthy scepticism towards what people tell them online, whilst stressing that using the Internet can and should be great fun.

Sainsbury's School Games Mark Award

Date: 17th Dec 2015 @ 1:20pm

We are proud to have achieved the Sainsbury's School Games Mark in Bronze. This award recognises the wide breadth of sports opportunities we have given (and continue to give) our pupils access to. Well done to everyone in involved!


Our MacMillan Coffee Morning

Date: 16th Oct 2015 @ 1:03pm

On Friday 9th October the Friends of Crowton School organised a MacMillan Coffee Morning. We had generous donations of cakes and enthusiastic children who volunteered to help. The event was an overwhelming success thanks to those who baked, supported and helped.

Together we raised £366.10p for MacMillan


Thank you to all involved.


Crowton Girls Football Team - WINNERS!

Date: 8th Oct 2015 @ 10:03am

Congratulations to our Yr5/6 Girls Football team who were the winners of the Vale Royal School Sports Partnership competition held at Weaverham High School on Monday 5th October. The girls will now go on to represent Vale Royal in the School Sports Partnership finals in November.

A fantastic achievement- well done, girls!

Little Crows

Date: 15th Sep 2015 @ 2:49pm

The Queen's Reign

Date: 10th Sep 2015 @ 10:14am

We had flags and bunting out on Wednesday 9th September out as we celebrated our Queen becoming Britain's longest-reigning Monarch EVER,  succeededing the previous record set by her Great-Great Grandmother Queen Victoria.  The children joined together for a special assembly in school where they learned all about the Queen's reign - from her ascension to the throne in 1952 following King George VI's death, her Coronation, her duties, her silver, gold and diamond jubilee, and also her family and homes. We watched video clips, saw lots of pictures and all sang the National Anthem.


Getting to know each other

Date: 7th Sep 2015 @ 4:19pm

Class 1 are having fun getting to know each other and what we can explore around our classroom.

End of Term Fun Cake Decorating

Date: 13th Jul 2015 @ 3:48pm

Class 1 designed their own cake and biscuit decorations, then really enjoyed icing thier designs on to the cakes and biscuits.

Class 1 Visit to Christ Church Crowton

Date: 19th May 2015 @ 8:39am

Class 1 had a visit to church. We asked Vicar Pete lots or questions and learned about how old our church is and why it has pictures in the stained glass windows.

We explored the font and lectern and felt the pine pews and oak pulpit.

Spaceport Day Visit

Date: 19th Mar 2015 @ 11:13am

Class 1 had a very exciting day out at Spaceport. They learned what it would be like to be an astronaut, rode a space ride simulator, launched a rocket and explored facts about planets, robots and Dr Who. There was even a chance to make a clay alien.

All of class 1 made us so proud with thier excellent behaviour.

Have a look at our photos.

Red Nose Day 2015

Date: 22nd Mar 2015 @ 10:10pm

We had lots of fun fundraising for Comic Relief. The say started with a coffee morning organised by The Friends of Crowton School. Parents, friends and family attended and donated lots of scrumptious cakes. The School Council arranged a Face Painting Stall and a Red Nose Sweepstake competition. The children all wore wacky clothes to school and pulled funny faces for a donation to the charity. By themed of the day we had raised a fabulous £247 for Comic a Relief. Well done everyone! 

Rachael Lindsay - Author Visit Crowton Book Day

Date: 11th Mar 2015 @ 8:25am

Class one enjoyed the workshop with Rachael and her troll friends.

Class 4 Design and Technology day

Date: 21st Jan 2015 @ 11:40am

Class 4 had an amazing Design and Technology day with two dedicated  D.T. professionals. They made some wonderful morse coders.


Date: 19th Jan 2015 @ 9:03am

On Friday all classes enjoyed a Stomp session with Pete. Class 4 put on a great show at the end of the for us all to see.

Thank you to the FOCS for supporting this event.


A Visitor from the North Pole!

Date: 19th Dec 2014 @ 1:55pm

Today we had a very special vistor in school!

 News had reached Father Christmas at the North Pole of just how fantastically well behaved, hard working and well mannered the girls and boys at Crowton Primary School have been this year and so he took time out of his busy schedule to pay them all a visit. He had a little Christmas gift for all the children too!

Thank You Father Christmas!

MacMillan Coffee Morning Success

Date: 24th Oct 2014 @ 2:13pm

On Friday 24th October we held a coffee morning to raise funds for MacMillan Cancer Support.

The response from children, parents, grandparents, family, friends, neighbours and the wider community, who all attended, was AMAZING!

Together we raised a whopping £406 for MacMillan Cancer Support.


Easyfundraising- see how much you have raised!

Date: 15th Feb 2013 @ 7:00pm




Crowton Football Team in Winning Form

Date: 24th Oct 2014 @ 3:17pm

Crowton PrimarySchool  Football Team enjoyed a great match against Great Budworth on Thursday evening.

In a game that saw 15 players take part in a match of 4 quarters,  the team ran out 7-6 winners, although no one really took any notice of the score, as they delighted in seeing some fantastic sporting behaviour.

The match was played 6 -a-side due to Great Budworth's numbers, so the team was changed on a regular basis with all players given lots of opportunities to show their skills and enjoy some excellent team play. Joe  started as goalkeeper but tried his hand at defender too with Riley, Matty and Ellie A also performing well between the posts!

The team even had the chance to play a period as an all girls team (apart from Joe who took up his place in goal) and never conceded a goal against a strong team. Pamela,  Ellie T, Ellie A, Lily J and Lily F doing an excellent job during that passage of play.

Ben scored a fabulous hat trick in the game, but it was Louie who scored ' goal of the day' with a superb header!  Bobby was solid all over the pitch, and Alex was excellent in midfield with some surging runs.  Beau, Jude and Frank defended soundly throughout and were strong at the back.

We look forward to the return game, which we hope will be as evenly contested next half term.


Roberts Bakery Visit Class 1

Date: 22nd Oct 2014 @ 8:16pm

Keith from Roberts Bakery came to visit Class 1. He showed us a film about the bakery and how they make bread. We never knew that robots helped! We were bakers for the session and wore our special hats as we decorated gingerbread men. We took a gingerbread man home and made one each to be sold at the Macmillan coffee morning in school on Friday 24th October.

Photos will follow.

Parent Text Message Service

Date: 14th Jul 2014 @ 3:39pm

Communicating with parents is an important part of what we do and we endeavour to ensure that our parent's receive information on all school events and activities. We do this by sending letters, flyers etc. home with our children and also by providing information on our website.

With effect from September we will also be using ParentMail, a text message service, to communicate urgent/emergency information e.g. school closures, cancelled clubs etc. and reminders to our parents.


Please be assured that ParentMail is registered with the Information Commissioner and guarantees that all information you provide will be kept private and will not be passed on to any other organisation.


Crowton Christ Church C of E Primary School

Kingsley Road,Crowton, Near Northwich, Cheshire. CW8 2RW

Miss L Hill | Headteacher

01928 788230


School Opening Times: School opens at 8.45am and closes at 3.15pm