Pupil Leadership
Pupil Leadership at Crowton
“…with God, all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
The term pupil leadership refers to education principles and practices that reflect the importance of providing children with the opportunities and support to play a role in making the decisions that affect them. At Crowton, we encourage our children to take on leadership roles within the school. Our pupils readily take on leadership roles: Ethos Ambassadors, Reading Ambassadors. Pupil Parliament, Buddies, JRSOs and Play Leaders contribute to our direction with confidence and success. We are very proud of them; they are a strength and credit to our school.
Roles and Responsibilities
Act as an ambassador for the school both in and out.
Plan, organise and promote fundraising events.
Represent pupil voice.
Work alongside the senior leadership team to continue to improve our school
Help the governors to make decisions on behalf of the pupils.
Meet regularly to feedback to the senior leadership team and governors about key decisions.
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Junior Safety Officers
Promote general safety and staying 'Bike Smart'. They raise awareness of road and safety community issues and how, as a school, we can help to solve these problems.
Reading Ambassadors
Pupils promote a love of reading throughout school. They lead our 'Book and a Biscuit' every other week after school club and listen to younger pupils read.
Ethos Ambassadors
Pupils meet regularly with Miss Porter to discuss Christian values our school is committed to. They lead collective worship and display and promote our whole school values.
Lunchtime Playleaders
Help to make breaktime and lunchtime calm and enjoyable, they help children who are lost, lonely or upset to find friends to play with at lunchtime and they help children to solve disagreements by themselves, where they can and find support from adults where needed.
To help our new reception children settle into school life, they are paired up with a buddy in school from Y6. These children can then help them in the playground, read with them, listen to any worries, support them in navigating the school buildings and ground and act as role models for them.
School Council (Pupil Parliament)
Children act as ambassadors both in and out of school and they and represent pupil voice on behalf of every class from Year 2 to Year 6. Each class votes for their representative at the start of the school year through a democratic process. The School Council meets monthly.