01928 788230



Aspire Discover Flourish

A school family rooted in God's love.

Our Curriculum

Our vision for all in our school is to AspireDiscover and Flourish so that each person fulfils their potential.


“…with God, all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

Our school curriculum comprises all learning and other experiences that we plan for our children. Our main aims are to provide opportunities for all children to learn and achieve; to promote children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and to prepare them for the opportunities and experiences of their next stage of education and future life. Our curriculum is planned so that children are inspired, encouraged and challenged to develop their individual potential and personality to the full. It is constantly evolving to develop the skills needed for children to become successful learners, help prepare them for life in modern Britain and empower them to achieve success in the future. We have designed our curriculum to reflect our aims and also to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum and other government guidance.

The primary purpose of our curriculum is to guarantee a successful learning experience for every child. With this in mind, we are committed to ensuring that every child is developed to their full potential:

  • Every child will be educated to the highest possible standard, as set by the Department for Education.

  • Every child, in every lesson, will be provided with opportunities to: be engaged in, challenged in and process their learning. 

  • Every child will be provided with opportunities to increase their self-esteem, motivation and aspirations.

  • Every child will be encouraged to be enterprising and entrepreneurial in order that they may succeed in an ever-changing job market.

  • Every child will be provided with opportunities to experience the wider world as a core part of their curriculum.

Our curriculum is underpinned by the following three principles of teaching and learning:

  1. The Intent: Our vision, design and aspirations for our curriculum

  2. The Implementation: The strategies and steps that we take every day to achieve our curriculum intent

  3. The Impact: To evaluate and evidence standards of teaching and learning


Our intent at Crowton is to provide an aspirational curriculum that covers all the skills and knowledge in the National Curriculum; and more. Our curriculum offer is planned to not only determine what children will know and do, but to help them discover their talents and passions, to build character enabling all to flourish and to provide each individual with the skills and opportunities to become confident pupils who are able to take their place in society as happy, responsible citizens who care for others and the world they live in.

We aim to:

> Deliver an exciting, challenging and opportunity rich learning experience that celebrates the differences and diversity in our school community.

> Provide a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum that is unique to our school, context and community and develop a thirst for learning for all pupils.

> Take account of prior learning, provide first hand learning experiences and support children to develop interpersonal skills through our knowledge and skills-based curriculum.

> Nurture caring, thoughtful and confident children who understand and live values such as tolerance and gratitude.

> Develop pupils who care about their role as part of a family, community and the wider world; encouraging them to feel part of, and to contribute positively to fundamental British values.

> Provide rich opportunities for oracy.

> Promote positivity, happiness and self-esteem amongst the children we teach.

> Meet the needs of every child and be fully inclusive.

> Provide an environment that promotes a growth mindset and teaches children they can learn from their mistakes.

> Children will be committed to their learning, know how to study effectively, be resilient to setbacks and cope with adversity and take pride in their achievements.

> Ensure all pupils have high aspirations.

Teachers’ regular feedback is also crucial as a means of challenging and questioning thinking and deepening learning. This coupled with high expectations for all learners’ behaviour and conduct and applied these expectations consistently and fairly.


At Crowton, we have used the National Curriculum alongside specific schemes of work to allow our children to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed. We recognise that the curriculum encompasses all areas of learning and we provide learning which makes links across all subjects to give children a clear rationale for completing their work.

In order to allow our children to remember key skills and information, they will revisit them frequently over the course of all key stages. All learning, in all subjects, has its roots in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Wherever possible, reading, writing and maths activities are linked across lessons and reading is used continuously to discover and explore. The same quality of work is expected across all subjects which leads to higher standards and outcomes.

Predominantly, learning is recorded in subject specific exercise books; however, for some subjects/topics, outcomes are recorded via online journals or through online platforms. These represent a synopsis of the class learning along with the children’s work. They also demonstrate the independence of learning which we expect from our pupils.

Lesson take various formats. These may include:

• Independent research, information gathering and summarising.

• Direct teacher led lessons, teaching new skills and knowledge.

• Presentation lessons, where children apply their basic skills.

• Practical / field work activities.

We require the children to work in these ways so that they build their resilience and can then independently apply their skills and knowledge once a topic is complete.

Each block of work within each subject comes with its own knowledge organiser which lists the key learning and opportunities for assessment.

Trips booked for the children will be of high quality. The intention of such trips is to provide the children with cultural capital and to give them experiences that enhance their learning. Practical activities such as experiments in science and field work in geography will form a significant part of the curriculum giving children quality lived experiences.


The children have access to an ambitious curriculum that is broad in scope yet specific and pertinent to them and where they live. It ensures fidelity across year groups and key stages as it grows in difficulty and is sequential; building on prior learning. Children enjoy learning, make good progress and have good outcomes from their starting points.

The impact of the school’s curriculum can be seen in the learning produced in children’s exercise books or online learning platforms. Enrichment activities can also be seen on our website, Facebook, Tapestry and Blippit Boards. Their learning is also clearly evident on the walls of their classrooms and other learning environments. We always ensure the children are aware of the things they have done well and what they can work on to improve further.

Future planning is directly impacted by AfL and misconceptions and gaps in learning identified through assessments. This ensures children’s learning is deep, and that the curriculum effectively meets the needs of all pupils. Previous learning is regularly revisited in order to ensure it is embedded.

Our curriculum will be successful if our pupils:

> Feel listened to and valued as learners and are understanding, tolerant and listen to the ideas and beliefs of others.

> Are polite and well-mannered who are developing the personal qualities they need to be successful citizens in later life

> Embrace challenge and where necessary seek support to recognise and achieve their aspirations, whatever it takes. Are enquiring, enterprising and take risks in their learning.

> Will develop empathy, understanding and tolerance towards people from different cultures, backgrounds and beliefs.

> Are confident learners, who can work collaboratively and show resilience in their learning. Are aware of the importance of practice and perseverance in order to better their learning and prepare them for secondary school and beyond.

> We measure impact through internal assessments using tools such as Insight, SEND toolkit documents and NFER assessments. We also measure impact through external assessments such as the Phonics Screening in Y1, End of Key Stage assessments in Y6 and the Multiplication Timetable Check in Y4.


Crowton Christ Church C of E Primary School

Kingsley Road,Crowton, Near Northwich, Cheshire. CW8 2RW

Miss L Hill | Headteacher

01928 788230


School Opening Times: School opens at 8.45am and closes at 3.15pm