01928 788230



Aspire Discover Flourish

A school family rooted in God's love.

Our News items

Green Tokens for our school at Asda Northwich

Date: 10th Jan 2019 @ 11:24am

The Friends of Crowton School have been accepted by Asda Northwich for their Green Token Board. Every token allocated to the Friends of Crowton PTA will count towards funding for our school, with £500 awarded to the organisation with the most tokens. PLEASE spread the word and ask your friends and family to donate their tokens to us when shopping at Asda.

Please note : if you use the self service tills you will need to ask the supervising staff member for your tokens, or the supervisor till ( as you walk out of the Self Serve area).

UPDATE: We have been advised that the tokens may be counted earlier than 30th March, as the Northwich store have run out of tokens.  Please may we ask that you pass any green tokens to staff at school, who will arrange for them to be posted for you.  Thank you.


Thank You from Children In Need

Date: 28th Jan 2019 @ 1:58pm

Fortnite Game - Guidance for Parents

Date: 24th Jan 2019 @ 11:24am

We understand the popularity of the Fortnite game amongst older children and the difficulties it can present in homes where there are younger siblings.  The game comes with a 12+ age restriction and is therefore not suitable for children of Primary School age. If you believe your child, under the age of 12, has access to the game, please read the Parent Guidance and take a moment to watch this Internet safety Video

Crowton Choir

Date: 10th Dec 2018 @ 11:36am

Our Year 5 and 6 children joined the choirs of Kingsley St John, Norley and the Highfield Male Voice Choir, to perform a Christmas Carol Concert at Norley Church on the evening of Tuesday 4th December. Mrs Harris was incredibly proud of our children, who all sang and behaved beautifully on the evening. Well done to all the children who took part!

Christ Church Crowton Christmas Services

Date: 30th Nov 2018 @ 10:06am

Games Night Friday 16th November

Date: 12th Nov 2018 @ 2:55pm

If any parents are available to stay and help, please let a member of staff know.


School Photos

Date: 5th Nov 2018 @ 12:08pm

Proofs of school photographs will be sent home with children today.  Please could parents ensure that any orders and payments are returned to school by Wednesday 14th November.  Thank you.

Remembrance Sunday

Date: 5th Nov 2018 @ 11:52am

Remembrance Sunday, which falls on 11 November in 2018, is a day for the nation to remember and honour those who have sacrificed themselves to secure and protect our freedom.  This year's Remembrance Sunday marks a very poignant milestone - the end of the First World War centenary.

Pupils of Crowton Christ Church Primary School are privileged to be participating in the service this year, by laying a school wreath and reading the role of honour.  The service will be held at Crowton Christ Church at 10:30am on 11th November.  

Please could parents let us know whether they will be attending the service, by completing the Remembrance Service survey on the School Spider App.

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal

Date: 25th Oct 2018 @ 10:15am

We are again supporting The Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal. A small shoebox can make a big impact on another child's life. Sometimes it is the first gift they will have received.

You can use a shoebox from home, decorate it, wrap it as you choose. Alternatively, we have a very small supply of shoeboxes in school available to purchase for 50p.

UPDATE: Shoeboxes will be collected on 29th November, Half term is an ideal time to fill a shoebox with your child. A leaflet will be sent home with your child with details of how to pack them. Click on the link below for ideas of what to put in your shobox.

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

Date: 25th Oct 2018 @ 9:39am

We will be supporting the Royal british legion by selling poppies together with wristbands, keyrings, snap bands and friendship bracelets. Our Year 6 children will be responsible for selling these items in the mornings and after school on the playground and also during the school day for children.

All donations go to The Royal British Legion to support them in their work.


More exploring and learning together in Robins

Date: 12th Oct 2018 @ 8:25am

Robins have been exploring and learning more new things together.

KS2 After School Sports Club - Cancelled

Date: 26th Sep 2018 @ 1:07pm

Friday 18th September

We are sorry to inform parents that the KS2 Sports After School Club with Mr Pickering has been cancelled this week, due to unforeseen circumstances.

However, parents are welcome to attend the Macmillan coffee afternoon from 2pm, and take their children to purchase a cake.

Robins are settling in

Date: 28th Sep 2018 @ 11:46am

Robins are settling in well to Crowton School.

Kingsley Cricket Club Family Fun Day

Date: 12th Sep 2018 @ 3:05pm

22/09/18 at 1pm.

Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Messy Church

Date: 18th Sep 2018 @ 9:32am

Messy Church is held every 3rd Wednesday of the month, at Crowton School.  Please feel free to attend (children must be accompanied by an adult)

NCK Kid's Zone

Date: 18th Sep 2018 @ 9:43am

NCK Kid's Zone is held on selected Wednesday's and Sunday's at St John's, Norley.

Wednesday 12th September, 6pm;

Sunday 23rd September, 4pm;

Wednesday 10th October, 6pm;

Sunday 28th October, 4pm;

Wednesday 14th November, 6pm;

Sunday 25th November, 4pm;

Wednesday 12th December, 6pm.

A plea from Miss Russon

Date: 5th Sep 2018 @ 4:16pm

This term, Class 4 are learning all about Africa.

To be able to speak to an African visitor to the school would be very beneficial in achieving our targets and advancing our learning during this topic. If anyone is in contact with someone of African heritage or knows of an African family that I could contact, please let me know at your earliest convenience.

Having a discussion with someone who has lived in Africa and can explain different cultural and traditional differences, would be enthralling for the class.

Kind regards,

Miss Russon, 06/09/18


Date: 2nd Jul 2018 @ 11:37am



Date: 18th Jun 2018 @ 9:40am

Some reception children wanted to paint a sunflower.

FOCS Bring and Buy Sale Friday 15th June

Date: 7th Jun 2018 @ 12:04pm

Parental Guides - E Safety

Date: 11th Jun 2018 @ 10:53am

Parental Guides, which contain advice on how to set parent controls on various devices, have been uploaded to our website today.  The Guides can be found in the School Information / E Safety drop down menu.

Robins Visit Blue Planet

Date: 22nd May 2018 @ 10:08am

Robins had a great day out learning about the sea at The Blue Planet. Have a look at our fun in the photographs.

SATS Week and Year 6 Breakfast Club

Date: 4th May 2018 @ 1:16pm

Year 6 SATs

National curriculum assessments are a series of educational assessments, known as SATs, used to assess the attainment of children attending maintained schools in England. Our Year 6 pupils will be sitting their end of KS2 SATs during the week commencing 14th  May.


As in other years we will be offering a breakfast club, free of charge, for Year 6 children throughout the week. Children can be dropped off at school for 8:15am where they will be able to have toast and refreshments to help them start their day.

If you have any questions regarding the forthcoming Year 6 SATs please contact Miss Russon who will be more than happy to speak with you.



Crowton Christ Church C of E Primary School

Kingsley Road,Crowton, Near Northwich, Cheshire. CW8 2RW

Miss L Hill | Headteacher

01928 788230


School Opening Times: School opens at 8.45am and closes at 3.15pm