01928 788230



Aspire Discover Flourish

A school family rooted in God's love.

Breathe - a relaunch of NCK Youth Club

Breathe – a relaunch event! For Year 6 and above

All Year 6 pupils are invited to come along on the 11th June from 6:30 to 7:45pm for the relaunch of Breathe - our NCK youth club. 

The event will take place outside, in the grounds of the NCK Centre, St John’s Church. It will be a time to meet up with your friends and having pizza and popcorn! There will be an opportunity to test your skills in a scavenger hunt and there will be plenty of time to chat with each other and play other games. 

For more information, contact: nckyouthgroup@gmail.com


Crowton Christ Church C of E Primary School

Kingsley Road,Crowton, Near Northwich, Cheshire. CW8 2RW

Miss L Hill | Headteacher

01928 788230


School Opening Times: School opens at 8.45am and closes at 3.15pm