01928 788230



Aspire Discover Flourish

A school family rooted in God's love.

Ofsted Reports

Please click on the file below to view our recent ungraded (section 7) Inspection Report.  Also available is our previous full 2017 Ofsted Report. The reports cature the standards that we strive for and the Christian ethos of our school.

Parent View

Parent View is an online questionnaire that allows parents and carers to give their views about their child’s school at any time. It is also the main mechanism for parents to give their views about their child’s school to inspectors at the time of a school inspection.

The questionnaire can be accessed directly from the Parent View site at https://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk 

Parent View questions

Parents are asked to indicate whether they strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree or don’t know in response to 11 short statements. Question 12 asks whether they would recommend the school to other parents. The 12 statements and question are:

  • My child is happy at this school
  • My child feels safe at this school
  • My child makes good progress at this school
  • My child is well looked after at this school
  • My child is taught well at this school
  • My child receives appropriate homework for their age
  • This school makes sure its pupils are well behaved
  • This school deals effectively with bullying
  • This school is well led and managed
  • This school responds well to any concerns I raise
  • I receive valuable information from the school about my child’s progress
  • Would you recommend this school to another parent?

Files to Download


Crowton Christ Church C of E Primary School

Kingsley Road,Crowton, Near Northwich, Cheshire. CW8 2RW

Miss L Hill | Headteacher

01928 788230


School Opening Times: School opens at 8.45am and closes at 3.15pm